Astronomy Gallery >> optolong astro filters

half-blood Rose # NGC2237

NebulosaRosetta#This a cosmic love flower,use the OPTOLONG h-alpha 12 nm filter to photography.NGC2237 was photoed by @ 邓云未,a 13 year old amateur astronomer from Yunnan,he is the youngest deep space photography fans who use narrowband filter to shoot in Kunming area.Shooting data:Imaging telescopes: Sky – Rover 102 apoMounts: Sky – Watcher HEQ5 PROCameras: QHYCCD QHY9Behind the cameras: QHYCCD QHY 5Filters: Baader OIII 8.5 nm, Optolong h-alpha 12 nmFrames: 12 x240.”Bin: 2 * 2Integration: 0.8 hoursThis picture use the DSS, MDL, FITSWORK, PIX, PS and all kinds of plug-in processing

Sorgente: Astronomy Gallery >> optolong astro filters

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