Tag: beautyinspace.com

12 years of Mars’ Opportunity Rover >> beautyinspace.com

NASA celebrated the 12 years of the Opportunity Rover on Mars. The Rover was made to last about 3 months, but instead, it survived through 7 martian winters, investigating about Mars’s history. The rover has been recently examining clues in “Marathon Valley”.To celebrate its 12th celebration, let’s see some great pics of this Rover, and …

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Our old friend Comet Halley >> beautyinspace.com

So have you ever thought what is the most famous comet of all? Well, you’re right, it’s the Halley’s Comet, named by Edmond Halley (1656-1742), an english scientist, who at his lifetime, contributed with his studies mainly in astromony and physics.The Halley comet is one the well known comets in our solar system because it’s …

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Twinkle Twinkle Sirius Star >>beautyinspace.com

At night some stars are brighter than others, and at the very top is Sirius. Let’s find out more about this astro. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky and is found in the constellation of Canis Major or Winter Triangle. Its name comes from ancient Greek meaning “glowing”. It’s at a mere …

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