Going Interstellar – SETI Institute

Imagine getting to Mars in just 3 days… or putting points beyond our solar system within our reach. New propulsion technologies could one day take us to these cosmic destinations making space travel truly interstellar! NASA 360 joins Professor Philip Lubin, University of California Santa Barbara, as he discusses his NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) …

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Stelle, buchi neri e onde gravitazionali – Focus.it

Quando i fisici del LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) degli Stati Uniti hanno raccontato al mondo la scoperta delle onde gravitazionali (vedi su Focus.it), il 11 febbraio 2016, hanno fatto riferimento all’evento cosmico più meravigliosamente catastrofico che si possa immaginare: la fusione di due buchi neri in un nuovo buco nero. Dietro l’evento c’è una …

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Pulsar Web Could Detect Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves | NASA

The recent detection of gravitational waves by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) came from two black holes, each about 30 times the mass of our sun, merging into one. Gravitational waves span a wide range of frequencies that require different technologies to detect. A new study from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational …

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Solving The Mystery Of The Disappearing Quasar : The Two-Way : NPR

If this were a Sherlock Holmes story, its title would surely be “The Case of the Disappearing Quasar.”In this case, however, the mystery wasn’t solved by an aging Victorian-era detective, but by a young American astronomer at Penn State University named Jessie Runnoe and her colleagues. They study quasars, some of the brightest objects in …

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Astronomy Gallery >> optolong astro filters

half-blood Rose # NGC2237 #This a cosmic love flower,use the OPTOLONG h-alpha 12 nm filter to photography.NGC2237 was photoed by @ 邓云未,a 13 year old amateur astronomer from Yunnan,he is the youngest deep space photography fans who use narrowband filter to shoot in Kunming area.Shooting data:Imaging telescopes: Sky – Rover 102 apoMounts: Sky – Watcher …

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12 years of Mars’ Opportunity Rover >> beautyinspace.com

NASA celebrated the 12 years of the Opportunity Rover on Mars. The Rover was made to last about 3 months, but instead, it survived through 7 martian winters, investigating about Mars’s history. The rover has been recently examining clues in “Marathon Valley”.To celebrate its 12th celebration, let’s see some great pics of this Rover, and …

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Our old friend Comet Halley >> beautyinspace.com

So have you ever thought what is the most famous comet of all? Well, you’re right, it’s the Halley’s Comet, named by Edmond Halley (1656-1742), an english scientist, who at his lifetime, contributed with his studies mainly in astromony and physics.The Halley comet is one the well known comets in our solar system because it’s …

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Twinkle Twinkle Sirius Star >>beautyinspace.com

At night some stars are brighter than others, and at the very top is Sirius. Let’s find out more about this astro. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky and is found in the constellation of Canis Major or Winter Triangle. Its name comes from ancient Greek meaning “glowing”. It’s at a mere …

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Riprendiamo, con autorizzazione, da MEDIA INAF del 17 febbraio 2016 un articolo di Elisa Nichelli su un nuovo modello di popolazione dei Near Earth Object, realizzato grazie a simulazioni teoriche e ai dati raccolti dalla Catalina Sky Survey: questi asteroidi sono molto più numerosi del previsto e si disgregano prima di arrivare nei pressi del …

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Lo strato esterno di Caronte è principalmente di ghiaccio d’acqua. Gli scienziati ritengono che in un lontano passato Caronte avrebbe potuto essere abbastanza caldo, anche per il decadimento di elementi radioattivi, da sciogliere nel profondo il ghiaccio di acqua, creando un oceano sotto la superficie. Raffreddandosi, questo oceano si sarebbe congelato e ampliato (come accade …

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Riprendiamo, con autorizzazione, da MEDIA INAF del 19 febbraio 2016 un articolo di Elisa Nichelli: “Con un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista The Astrophysical Journal la NASA segnala che ad appena 0.4 secondi dalla storica rilevazione delle onde gravitazionali fatta dai due interferometri di LIGO [v. Nova n. 950 dell’11 febbraio 2016] il satellite spaziale Fermi …

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Il 17 febbraio 2016 è stato lanciato dal Tanegashima Space Center a Kagoshima, in Giappone, il satellite ASTRO-H, poi rinominato in volo – secondo la tradizione nipponica – Hitomi, che significa “pupilla oculare”. Il satellite, realizzato dalla Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in collaborazione con la NASA e con l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea, sarà in grado …

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